
almost 2 weeks

my new bike!

There are many reasons that I love my job and feel really fortunate to be there. One of the many is that they offer a great purchasing program. I got this awesome commuter hybrid bike, and then my work paid for it and takes small chunks out of my paycheck for the next year, without interest. This is fabulous!! Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to afford to put down the whole payment on such a nice bike.

Also, my work pays for 25% of my monthly transit pass!! It is such a great place!

Nearly another week down and I'm still loving my car-free lifestyle. I was out with some friends, and we all had a great discussion about who of us owns a car and why. And man, how much we pay for it! Someone wondered how much we actually pay for each time we each use our cars, and we all agreed that would likely be quite a shocking amount!


Unknown said...

Ok, so now I want to see the WHOLE BIKE!

Also would your "car" be the old truck still or have you retired that little lady?

Miss Crankypants said...

ok, a post with my entire Kona is to come! I got a great commuter hybrid, that I love!!

And my truck was retired a few years - it was a sad day, but much needed. I know have a great little Corolla.