
the weekend

Commute home over Lions Gate near sunset, post-rain.

I seem to have taken the weekend off from my updates, which is funny because that is when I'm the laziest... with this weekend being no exception. Let's see.

I took the seabus home on Friday, walked from Waterfront Station, and stopped in H&M. I was circling, picked up a cute scarf but then said: Lisa, you don't need this $15 scarf. Put it down. Walk away. And I did! I nearly skipped out the store, so pleased with myself. I continued on my way, but somehow ended up at BCBG. There was the cutest dress. Ever. And it happened to look fabulous on me. So.

My Friday purchases:
$7 - lunch
$5 - pet store
$8 - laundry
And the dress - is my happiness really worth a monetary amount? Can I really say how much joy that dress will bring me in dollars? I think saying that it will bring me buckets of wonderfulness is sufficient.

I drove to a site visit with the work car, but other than that: walk, bus, seabus.

I woke up to the blissful feeling of knowing I now own the cutest dress ever.

And went to an awesome yoga class. I must say, my Y Yoga pass from the Zip Car Challenge might be the highlight of this process for me!

I won tickets to a great play at the Fringe Festival, then went to see Danny Michele at The Biltmore. A great night! (No, I didn't wear the dress - I thought about it though) The play was super awesome and totally want to see more at the Fringe Festival! PLUS, I took the aquabus to Granville Island. I freaking love the Aquabus!!

By the end of the night, it was pouring. So Tawny gave me a ride home - not ideal, I know. But it was really raining, and I was wearing non-rain shoes...

So today: walk, aquabus, and ride home.
My Saturday purchases:
$12 - Lunch
$17 - Biltmore
$3 - aquabus

And then Sunday: no yoga, decided to take the day off.

But did some grocery shopping, bought pannier bags for my bike off craigslist, and then went to a birthday party! it was a fun and productive day.

A birthday champagne and cake party! I didn't have champagne, but I enjoyed cake, cupcake, and moose turds!! Nom Nom, thanks Michael and Mari!

I walked and biked.

Oh, but I did want to go to a furniture flea market sale, but I didn't because of the car thing. Probably my first time of not doing something because of the car. And it seemed stupid to use the zip car because you pay by the hour, and I'd drive there to maybe buy a chair?? If I had use of my car, I would have gone - I'll admit it.

Sunday's purchases:
$65 - groceries
$40 - pannier bags

AND TODAY (finally):
another awesome yoga class.

Walked, bus, seabus.

And my purchases today:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

t's such a important site. fabulous, very intriguing!!!


